Saddam Hussein non aveva alcuna fiducia in Al Qaeda e considerava gli estremisti islamici come minacce al suo stesso regime, rifiutando tutte le richieste di aiuto materiale e operativo pervenutegli.
«Si tratta di una prova schiacciante dei tentativi ingannevoli, fuorvianti e mistificatori di manipolare le informazioni da parte dell'amministrazione Bush-Cheney.-Carl Levin, Senatore democratico
Ancora il 21 agosto scorso il presidente Bush ha sostenuto l'esistenza di un legame tra Saddam e Zarqawi»
Sen. John Rockefeller, D-W.Va.
"Saddam wasn't going to attack us. He would've been isolated there. He would have been in control of that country but we wouldn't have depleted our resources preventing us from prosecuting a war on terror which is what this is all about."
Rockefeller went a step further. He says the world would be better off today if the United States had never invaded Iraq — even if it means Saddam Hussein would still be running Iraq.
Watch the Rockefeller interview.
Read the Senate committee report on information provided by the Iraqi National Congress. (211 pgs.)
Read the committee report on Iraq's alleged terror links. (151 pgs.)
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